Hope for Humanity

date to be announced, ONLINE

A free World Sound Healing Service with sacred sound channeling and meditation to support you in these times of Great Transformation.

With Zacciah Blackburn & Dorothy Stone

The Hope for Humanity program brings wisdom and messages specific for these times.

It holds great potential to build our field of coherence and awakened well being.

Many of us are seeing a wave of chaotic emotion continue to rise in the world, causing more stress and anxiety for many, that many want help with. These chaotic waves are part of the process of reforming our world in a higher order, or resonance. We are in times of Great Transformation; these are prophesied times.

Our Potential awaits those of us ready to step into this greater resonance.

We are offering this program to assist in the process of healing, clarification, and empowerment.

When one sees what is happening, it builds our innate trust, wisdom, inner beauty, as well as our intention and hope for a greater and greater outcome in these times.

Whether you are one seeking greater awareness and healing, or one wanting to contribute to the Collective Awakening, this program can be of benefit for you, and the greater Whole of Life.

I am ready to register

We will draw upon the wisdom of the Great Mother of Life, as well as the wisdom of those who guide this work.

These practices are intended for creating clear view and understanding, and bringing forward inherent wisdom of how to approach life, with the incredible potential we hold as spiritual human beings, and how to incubate, nourish, and embody that potential.

This is merged with ancient wisdom of Indigenous Elders, living 'wisdom' cultures, and Prophecy Keepers of our times, who speak directly to what is happening now, and how to best enter the world of creative potential and manifestation, as a co-creator, taking a responsible role in the outcome of our lives, and for life on this planet, embodying our own deeper wisdom and authentic nature.

When we activate this quality of understanding and being, we empower ourselves with our highest potential, and unify with the fundamental Principles of Life.

We see much more clearly, and can act with a deep inner knowing, that is authentic and harmonious with those very Principles of Life.

The practical details

Zacciah and Dorothy welcome you to join them in this two hour presentation and healing meditations guided through their sacred sound channeling.

  • Date to be announced
  • 1-3 PM ET
  • Online, Zoom
  • Free or by donation
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