Essence and Purpose
An extraordinary healing retreat hosted in the region known as the "World of Sound" for those ready to remember their essence and purpose.
With Zacciah Blackburn and Dorothy Stone
This will be an extraordinary program, in an extraordinary venue with an extraordinary host and group of participants.
We have been working with our host Viola for two decades. This will be our 20 year anniversary. Our last program at the Alpenrose Hotel with Viola was the most in depth, enriching program we had ever offered at that point in time.
The venue itself is exquisite. It rests on the shoulder of high alps in Switzerland, with views across a small valley to a range of very high snow capped peaks. It is deep in the countryside of somewhat remote villages. It is peak time of blossoms, fragrance, rich greens and abundant beauty.
The entire region is now known as the "World of Sound" as the community is focusing on traditional sound and music practices of its most ancestral people, as well as traditions of other cultures, aligning with the elementals, the ancient deities of nature, and other wisdom ways of understanding our relationship with the Earth and her inhabitants, all.
This establishes for us a foundation of practice already steeped in the living relationship with Earth and Sky and ancestral wisdom, enhancing our presence and approach to this work.

Words from Viola:
In this sacred time together, Dorothy & Zacciah offer High Tantra practices to attain states of enriching union with elements of Heaven and Earth, Self and Divine for greater awakening and embodying our true nature.
It is time to remember: we are soul and so much more than our personal history!
What gifts have we brought to earth that now wish to unfold?...
The practices awaken our spirit, connect us to our soul and other worlds.
As always, Dorothy & Zacciah are being trained directly for our group by their spirit guides, bringing the latest guidance from the spirit world to us.
Please note that Viola carries forward a title to our work which has great meaning to her, "High Tantra." We want you to understand our approach to "High Tantra" is about union with higher self, and the greater aspects of life.
It is the weaving of the threads of the fabric of reality itself, and our connection to, part in and relationship with that.
It is about rich communion with that fabric of life, and the aspects of creation that we meet, and engage with, within that communion.
Essence and Purpose.
Essence and Purpose.
Who are we, and why are we here.....?

We will practice together in the Klanghaus (sound house) and stay at Hotel Alpenrose in Wildhaus, Switzerland.
The hotel is owned by Roland Stump, and is a multi-generational hotel and retreat center. Robert has created a most aesthetic environment, which is restful in itself, with meals that nourish us, with many traditional flavors and styles.
Roland and other community business leaders have built the Klanghaus, a special facility that is our new teaching center, designed to enhance sound quality of practitioners and participants, with special acoustical architectural features, that is beautiful in itself. Yet, it also has views unlike most any other retreat you are likely to experience. We will be some of the first to use this new facility.
Just outside its doors is a beautiful natural pond, with trails leading into the foothills and eventually the high alps, one of them being called the "Sound Walk".
For our non-English speaking participants, we will be support by our interpreter Ananda. Ananda has worked with us for over 20 years. She is a vibrant member of the community, a master practitioner in her own right, and the best translator we have ever worked with. She carries the energy forward, within her very embodiment of the words Dorothy and I speak, as we teach, and channel in guided sound meditations. She truly resonates within the same fields we do while we are doing the work. She holds the highest integrity of carrying the intent as well as the meaning, of each word and phrase forward.
Most English speaking people find the moments she is translating gives a pause of rich reflection to what we have just shared, within themselves, while the music of her voice enhances the experience. We weave back and forth, like a slow dance, the words Dorothy and I bring forth, then a pause as she translates. It is beautiful to be a part of the experience.
You will not be disappointed.